From Crime Rates to Crime Harm: Understanding the Role of Social Development in Mexico City

Carlos Vilalta; Oscar Siordia; Pablo Lopez-Ramirez; Gustavo Fondevila



This study investigates the spatial and temporal dynamics of crime and social development in Mexico City between 2019 and 2023. By utilizing innovative metrics—including crime rate (CR), crime harm per resident (CHIP), and crime harm per victim (CHIV)—alongside the Social Development Index (SDI), the study uncovers complex spatial relationships between crime and social conditions. The analysis reveals significant variability in crime patterns, highlighting the pivotal role of social development in mitigating both crime and its associated harm. The insights generated are crucial for policymakers seeking to implement targeted and impactful strategies for crime prevention and social improvement.

Key Words:

crime harm, social development, spatial analysis, crime prevention


August, 2024

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